picture of church
Our Team

Minister: Rev. Gavin McFadyen

Session Clerk: Mr. Fergus Stewart

Clerk to the Congregational Board: Mr. Robert MacIntyre

Church Secretary: Mrs. Carol Reid



Please note: The Church Office is currently closed, but messages can still left on the church office phone, as these are being picked up remotely.


Office Phone no: 0141 882 6264


Office opening times:

Mon & Thu 9am-3pm

Tue & Fri 9am- 1pm

Wed 9am- 11am

Minister: Rev. Gavin McFadyen

Cardonald Parish Church
2155 Paisley Road West
G52 3PF

Scottish Charity Number: SC010265


Office Telephone:
0141 882 6264

Office opening times:
Mon & Thu 9am-3pm
Tue & Fri 9am- 1pm
Wed 9am- 11am